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Married by Mistake


Riley Smith wakes up next to her best friend Nate naked in Las Vegas with a ring. After a failed job opportunity and significant student loan debt, she reluctantly takes a job at Nate's family's struggling discount company in Cedar Falls. Amidst the hustle and bustle and business troubles, an unexpected attraction arises between Riley and Nate's brother Rhys, forcing her to make choices about her 'marriage' to Nate and her future.

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Movie details
Drama, Career woman
Chloe Bennet, Blair Penner, Anthony Konechny
Mike Rohl
Release date
83 min
1-0-married-by-mistake quote image
Riley Smith wakes up next to her best friend Nate naked in Las Vegas with a ring. After a failed job opportunity and significant student loan debt, she reluctantly takes a job at Nate's family's struggling discount company in Cedar Falls. Amidst the hustle and bustle and business troubles, an unexpected attraction arises between Riley and Nate's brother Rhys, forcing her to make choices about her 'marriage' to Nate and her future.

Married by Mistake

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