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No Time Like Christmas


Emma finds a watch from her ex-boyfriend from her college days in an antique shop. Her sister immediately thinks this is a sign and plays Cupid. The week before Christmas, she sends Emma to the same hotel where her ex Fletcher is staying. There, she also meets Fletcher's daughter. During their stay, they try to hold back their feelings for each other, but the magic of Christmas might just be stronger...

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No Time Like Christmas  poster image
Movie details
Edward Ruttle, Kyla Pratt
Jeff Beesley
82 min
1-0-no-time-like-christmas quote image
Emma finds a watch from her ex-boyfriend from her college days in an antique shop. Her sister immediately thinks this is a sign and plays Cupid. The week before Christmas, she sends Emma to the same hotel where her ex Fletcher is staying. There, she also meets Fletcher's daughter. During their stay, they try to hold back their feelings for each other, but the magic of Christmas might just be stronger...

No Time Like Christmas

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