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Redemption in Cherry Springs


Investigative journalist Melanie works in Boston and returns to her hometown of Cherry Springs for a well-deserved vacation, a delightful and cozy town where nothing exciting ever happens. But then a childhood friend from the past disappears. Together with detective Jake, she tries to unravel the mystery, even though Jake is not always happy with her help...

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Redemption in Cherry Springs  poster image
Movie details
Keith D. Robinson, Rochelle Aytes
Letia Clouston
Release date
84 min
United States
1-0-redemption-in-cherry-springs quote image
Investigative journalist Melanie works in Boston and returns to her hometown of Cherry Springs for a well-deserved vacation, a delightful and cozy town where nothing exciting ever happens. But then a childhood friend from the past disappears. Together with detective Jake, she tries to unravel the mystery, even though Jake is not always happy with her help...

Redemption in Cherry Springs

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